Additional Features of Driver-Assist System

In the previous blog, the writer indicated that the driver-assist system is important. Furthermore, it provides the driver with a great deal of information to enhance driving. However, that were not the only aspects that characterize that system; there other essential features as well. In the case of blind spots, the system sends a hazardous sound and flashing at the edge of the mirror. On the other hand, If the other autos come through the right side of the car the warning sign goes to that side. The opposite is true to the other side of the auto. This is not a very amusing feature; the amusing feature is yet to come.


Speed and Other Autos’ Approaching

The amusing feature that characterizes the Driver-assist System is in the case of blind speed. So, when the driver speeds up unintentionally and approach other cars, his/her car sends a flashing light. This flashing light warns the other car about the coming danger for its rear. By the way, the car does all these actions spontaneously without the attention of its driver. To clarify more, it sends a long light flashing, waring the front car about rear danger. In addition to these, the auto switches on the hazard of the car automatically at the same time of the flashing.

Farewell for Traditional Systems

I have just mentioned the features that characterize the driver-assisted autos. On the other hand, there are some other autos which do not use such kind of driver-assist system. Drivers of these cars may commit some accidents related to less concentration on roads. Unlike driver-assisted autos, drivers of autos that lack this vital system suffer a lot. In order to alleviate the danger of roads and enhancing driver’s safety, drivers should install this system. All in all, safety is for all.