A significant Evolution in Traffic Signs

One of the most important evolution in the traffic signs technologies is the automatic control system. In the previous Blog, I mentioned that the traditional traffic control is time consuming, as well as, effort wasting. In order to combat this issue traffic authorities supported this system with lofty sensors. The previous problem that inextricably intertwined with the traditional traffic signs is intervals. In that system, the intervals between switching from a sign to another is time consuming. However, this up-to-date system overcomes this problem. Therefore, all cars often move smoothly with any interruption. The traffic authorities supported the lights with sensors. The function of these sensors is to allow only the car that approached the crossing.

Taking Advantage of Lights Intervals

The sensors detect the nearest auto to the crossing signal. Therefore, it changes the sign swiftly to allow this car to move on. Then the traffic lights go back to its normal state. In this case, a person may arise a question; what if cars are present at all lanes. The answer is simple as this. If autos rush from all directions, at the same time, the sensors will back to their normal state. Some people may believe that this short time in nothing, however, it is not; every second count.

Traffic Congestion’s Ideal solution

The ideal solution of traffic congestion is taking advantage of every second. Imagine that between every traffic sign shift five seconds are wasted, how many will be on a day. Furthermore, this system will solve the problem of gaining more black points. It is true that if a driver crossed a red sign, s/he will gain twelve black points in the UAE. But is it not a time wasting when an auto comes form a lane and wait while no car on the other?

Avoiding Traffic Congestion: Traffic Signs

One of the most important aspects for avoiding complex traffic congestions is traffic signs. For ages, the world has witnessed a great deal of development, in reference to road organization. In the past, traffic policemen have to stay in the road for too long time to organize cars’ movement. Of course, this is a time consuming as well as effort consuming. In addition to that it is not very accurate. However, there is only on good feature which is giving priority to the most congested road. However, the automatic control system can easily replace this old-fashioned method.

Ancient Traffic Lights

New York is the first city to Paten traffic lights around the world. It was a kind of manual system controlled from the middle of the street. Furthermore, a traffic police rides on the tower and control the flipping of the three signs. The same interpretation of the three lights still have the same denotes. However, this old-fashioned system is very demanding and is not accurate as the automatic one. In order to combat this issue, traffic authorities invented the automatic control system. It is far better than that one.

Automatic Control System

The automatic control system came into existence as a solution to the problem of the traditional system. This kind of lofty development outdated the old-fashion of cars’ movement control.  The three signs: red, orange and green put together in one bar. There is timing for each color, except for the orange which denotes standing by for moving/stopping. This system easily controls all of the four lanes of the road effectively and simultaneously. The only disadvantage that stems form this system is that it does not take advantage of intervenes. To clarify more, there is a short period of time wasted between the transition from a sign to another.