Dubai Drive: The Ideal Route

The Dubai Drive application is ideal and it belongs to the Roads and Transport Authority. It provides drivers with information and facilitating many traffic procedures. In addition, the application grants the user green points for each electronic transaction. The main objective of this application is to reduce pressure on the National Roads and Transport Authority. Generally, clients of this authority used to go through the procedures by coming to the authority. In turn, this puts pressure on the institution. This application not only relieves pressure on the body, but also saves time and effort for customers. Furthermore, the application shows information about driving licenses and even vehicle registration and plates. The number of services provided by the application exceeds 19 applications.

Important Services

One of the most important services for Dubai Drive application, which is a kind of routine, is licensing services. Drivers can complete procedures through the application and payment of fees too. However, they should  confirmed the safety and readiness of the vehicle through automated inspection. As for renewing a driver’s license, it is very easy. Renewal is through the electronic transaction since the information is available in the system. To obtaining a new driver’s license, the procedures done through the application electronically. Another vital services is the immediate payment of traffic fines. It is worth noting that clients can view all the official documents in RTA online. Among the important services provided by the application is the service of recharging Salik balance. Moreover, customers can pay all violations through this credit. The application provides an opportunity to give customer feedback as well as to report all technical problems. Many car owners in the UAE want to obtain a unique plate number. In conclusion, there is an incentive for customers, as the application gives the user green points whenever they conduct an electronic transaction.